
Posts Tagged ‘football’

Darragh MacAnthony Is Named As A Nominee Suggestion For ET Sports Awards 2010: Sports Personality

December 20, 2010 Leave a comment

Nomination suggestions: Darragh MacAnthony


The Posh chairman’s response to relegation from the Championship was to invest more money in the club in the hope of an immediate return to the big-time.


Darragh MacAnthony’s enthusiasm, passion and love for the city’s biggest sporting team has ensured some of the most exciting times ever seen at London Road.


Darragh MacAnthony has put Peterborough on the football map. Whatever happens in the future he should be applauded for overseeing successive promotions in his first two full seasons at the club.


Charlotte Edwards


When Charlotte broke the world record for one-day international appearances last month she was described as the ‘perfect ambassador’ for ladies cricket.


For not only is Charlotte still a formidable competitor 14 years into her England international career, she is also well-respected because of her modest and sporting manner.


Charlotte is showing no sign of slowing down either. She’s led England to World Cup glory in one-day and Twenty/20 cricket, she has two Ashes victories to her name and yet she wants more.


Louise Hazel


The March heptathlete certainly knows how to peak for the big occasion and she won her first major title with a stunning performance in the heat of Delhi.


The Commonwealth Games gold medal was the best Indian takeaway Hazel could have asked for as she proved far too hot for her rivals.


Hazel was ranked seventh in the Commonwealth going into the Games and four of those higher than her on the lists were competing.


But a solid opening day, which included two personal bests, saw her in third place going into the three disciplines of day two and from there she just exploded into another gear.


After the opening event of the second day she was in the gold medal position and she never relinquished it. Some might bottle it in the heat of a tough competition in front of 40,000 fans but Hazel loved every minute of it.


‘Ave it’ became her motto as she ended the competiton with a huge personal best, having improved her best in four of the seven disciplines.


Martin Adams


Martin is so much more than merely being the undisputed king of the BDO side of darts – he is an arrows legend.


‘Wolfie’ holds the two biggest titles in that sphere (the Lakeside World Championship and the Winmau World Masters) and they are two of the 52 individual successes he has enjoyed during a glittering career on the big stage stretching back 20 years.


He is also the longest-serving England skipper of all-time and also, the most capped England international and the instantly-recognisable face of darts.


And he is a dedicated and tireless worker away from the oche. Adams has become a brilliant ambassador for his sport and is a true gentleman.


You couldn’t wish to meet a nicer man in any sporting arena.


Phil Wing


The driving force behind Phantoms since the club first emerged from the ashes of the Pirates era in 2002.


One of the most colourful characters in Peterborough sport, Wing is the man responsible for keeping the Phantoms machine running smoothly, despite the many pressures of owning a British ice hockey team.


Falling attendances and increasing costs have all made life a lot more difficult in recent years but Wing continues to soldier on as he strives to make Phantoms one of the most competitive teams in the English Premier League.


Re-newed investment at the start of the current season and a raft of new initiatives have once again given Phantoms a team to compete with the best this season and much of that is down to Wing’s unstinting efforts.


Dwayne Newman


Dwayne Newman has become nothing short of Phantoms icon in the four seasons since his return to the city club.


Despite fast approaching 40, ‘Dog’ continues to defy the ageing process and after helping the side win an unprecedented treble in 2009, will go down as one of the true legends of ice hockey in the city.


Now captain of the side, Newman continues to lead by example as Phantoms chase glory in the English Premier League, regularly putting his body on the line for the cause. A winner in any language and a wonderful ambassador for the sport.


Stephen ‘Tommy’ Cooper


You will struggle to find a more colourful character than the Lord of local football.


Cooper is the driving force behind the emergence of Northern Star as the city’s second football team, pumping plenty of his hard-earned cash into the club. You could never accuse him of not putting his money where his mouth is.


Cooper has played, refereed and managed in the game. These days he takes things a bit easier after having ‘moved upstairs’ to become Star’s director of football.


He is still never short of an opinion and he’s still usually right as well.


Darragh MacAnthony Has Only Been Interested In Winning Football Matches Not Cashing In

December 20, 2010 Leave a comment

Peterborough director of football Barry Fry has warned supporters that the sale of one of the club’s star attacking trio could be inevitable in the coming months.

Peterborough United Chairman Darragh MacAnthony has consistently rejected bids for his top players but Fry feels that the club may have to listen as the harsh economic climate begins to bite.

He told the Peterborough Evening Telegraph: “It’s a harsh world out there for everyone at the moment and football clubs are no different. I am frightened of the future for some clubs and maybe it’s time to get a bit more realistic.

“We are faced with a situation where we will probably lose money hand over fist. The chairman, Darragh MacAnthony is continually putting his hand in his pocket and knowing him he will continue to do so. But if Darragh MacAnthony asked for my advice in January about selling a player I’d tell him to go for it.

“I would probably have sold Aaron Mclean for £2million to Wolves when we had the chance and Craig Mackail-Smith to Leicester for £1.5million and George Boyd to Middlesbrough for the same, but the chairman Darragh MacAnthony has only ever been interested in winning football matches not cashing in.

“We continue to get loads of inquiries particularly for Mackail-Smith, but as we haven’t got any offers on the table yet anyway so we have nothing to consider. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Darragh MacAnthony turned any bids down though. He’s been an awesome supporter of the club and is dedicated to success on the field.”

Part one of Darragh MacAnthony and his journey with Peterborough United

December 8, 2010 Leave a comment

It all started with a T.V series. A documentary designed to highlight the turmoil at Peterborough United football club. It did just that. Dressing room unrest, conflict and negativity were all evident. Peterborough United wasn’t a happy place. It was a football club that was struggling. Struggling in every sense of the word. Struggling to stay in the division, struggling to find a squad, struggling to stay afloat. With this documentary it wasn’t just Posh fans who knew this either. It was public knowledge. Publically humiliated to raise some much needed funds. The future looked bleak.

One man sat at home watching “Big Ron Manager” pondering. He wanted a route into football, he had the cash, and he’d visited Conference clubs beforehand but something about Peterborough had grabbed his interest. Somehow in some of the darkest of days for the club a little glimmer of light had shone through. This was the team. Darragh MacAnthony wanted to buy Peterborough United.

Sitting at home he contacted the club to get in touch Barry Fry, then chairman. He needed to look around at the product before buying it, as with any investment. However, through this T.V documentary the seeds had already been sewn. The visit only went to further confirm his interest. Something good had came out of “Big Ron Manager”. A new chairman. Funding. Ambition. Perhaps, the future of Peterborough United wasn’t as depressing as it had seemed.

MacAnthony’s purchase of the club officially went through in August 2007 but he was effectively chairman in September the year before. Peterborough United were now cleared of debt. Fry, who MacAnthony brought the club from, was then moved to a Director of Football role, something which has remained controversial with fans every since. The majority wanted to see the back of Fry but he stayed. MacAnthony trusted him and until this day he still does. At the age of 30 MacAnthony was very young to be a Chairman but his business credentials proved that he was certainly astute. Dealing in overseas properties with his company, MRI, MacAnthony had developed into a multi-millionaire – it was estimated his wealth was at £150 million when he brought the club. This was a far cry from before. Peterborough United had money. They had ambition. They had a future.

To get this far in business so early required ambition. Ambition in abundance. Something the football club had lacked under Fry. Perhaps due to funds, perhaps due to other reasons. Darragh’s arrival at the club was announced as “the biggest signing that Peterborough United have ever made”. It certainly felt like that. On his arrival he stated that he wanted to have fun with Peterborough United. A few were worried, it was more than a toy to them. MacAnthony made no apologies.

The 2006-2007 season was MacAnthony’s first. So far he hadn’t influenced the club massively on the playing side. Of course, off the field things were already far better but in terms of the players the club hadn’t advanced. They were brought by the previous regime. As was the manager, the late Keith Alexander. The team wasn’t anything special. The likes of Simon Yeo, Richard Butcher and Trevor Benjamin were first team regulars and that goes some way to telling you how far this club has come in a relatively short space of time. However, Posh started well. The opening six games left the Posh unbeaten in League Two and they had experienced a win over Ipswich Town in the League Cup on penalties. Alexander had started his Peterborough United reign well.

September was a different story. After 5 defeats and just 2 wins “The Posh” hadn’t stayed in the play-off places for long and the fans intial optimism seemed a little false. Back in a mid-table position the club was where it always had been and was expected to be. Mid-table. Mediocre. Things did pick up though and five consecutive wins in October and November was an improvement. The win over Rotherham set up an F.A Cup tie away to Tranmere. Fairly insignificant some would have thought when it was first drawn but MacAnthony turned this game into a momentous occasion. Offering free coach travel an army of Posh fans set off to Prenton Park – 24 coaches to be precise. With streamers, banners and balloons a great atmosphere was created. A party atmosphere. A celebration that new times were ahead. This was a new era for the club. Posh won 2-1 and progressed to the third round of the F.A Cup but the result itself wasn’t entirely significant. The day had been a celebration. A release. The start of a new beginning.

January further confirmed this. Posh had money to spend and it made a vast difference. In came Micah Hyde, Josh Low and Craig Morgan. Experienced players for this level. Good players for this level. Some talent. However, the most significant thing during this transfer window was the arrival of three non-league players. George Boyd, Craig Mackail-Smith and Aaron McLean joined. The club had spent a lot of money on Boyd especially. A Conference record £250,000. A sum that Peterborough United couldn’t have considered spending before MacAnthony. In signing these three players Alexander confirmed that part of him would still be remembered at Posh.

Things would turn sour in the league after this, however. 7 consecutive defeats left Posh fearing about a relegation fight. The future would hardly look so bright if the club were a non-league one. Off the field there was optimism but on the field it appeared little had changed. MacAnthony made his first big decision. He sacked Alexander. Another signal of intent. Mid-table wasn’t good enough anymore.

The search for a new manager began. It needed to be someone who shared MacAnthony’s ambition. The new manager came as a surprise. It was announced that the son of Sir Alex Ferguson had been appointed. Darren Ferguson was the new manager of Peterborough United football club…

Darragh MacAnthony believes the best has yet to come

November 16, 2010 Leave a comment

The Peterborough United revolution under Darragh MacAnthony and Darren Ferguson has captured the imagination of football fans all over the country.  Internet message board have been swamped by supporters of Shrewsbury and Darlington praising Peterborough United’s exciting style of football.


The Evening Telegraph has also received e-mails from fans of their League Two promotion rivals which claim that Peterborough United ‘play the best football seen in League Two for years’.


Peterborough United took four valuable League Two points in four days from trips to Darlington and Shrewsbury.


Chairman Darragh MacAnthony added: “I was thrilled to bits with the performance at Shrewsbury, especially after what happened against them last season.


“I also felt that we were the better team at Darlington by a country mile.


“I felt results like these were coming as we have dominated so many games this season and yet ended up getting mugged.


“The manager now has pretty much a full squad to choose from with plenty of quality in all areas.


“It has been a slow start, but there is no need to panic and come the end of the season we will be at the top,” stated Darragh MacAnthony.


Darragh MacAnthony continues with, “In fact should we win our next two home games I am confident we will then be first or second.


“The football played by the teams at Shrewsbury was chalk and cheese with proper football coming out the winner.


“The manager and his staff have my full confidence and the best is yet to come in my opinion.


“I have seen some comments about the manager after we have lost a game, but we all need to be patient win or lose as the title is not decided in October.


“This is the best squad the club has had for years and we all need to be right behind them and the manager.”


Posh boss Ferguson said: “It is great to hear that even opposition fans are enjoying watching us play.


“I will always produce footballing sides. I always played in teams that liked to pass the ball and that’s how I will always want my teams to play.


“Plenty of footballing sides have won promotion from League Two.”


Darragh MacAnthony increases goals for next season’s ticket sales

November 16, 2010 Leave a comment

Peterborough chairman Darragh MacAnthony is confident he will reach his average London Road attendance target of 7,500 for the forthcoming season in League One.


Darragh MacAnthony has described the club record sale of 3,100 season tickets for the 2008-09 campaign as ‘unreal’, but it’s a figure that also backs his belief that Peterborough can sustain football at a higher level.


Darragh MacAnthony said: “Season ticket sales have been unreal and I have to offer a big thank you to the thousands of supporters who are once again backing the club on and off the field.


“My target for next season is a 7,500 average and then a 10,000 average when we are in the Championship. I also have a target for pre-season which I am sure we will reach now that we have three great Premier League sides coming down as well as a tasty little game against our old rivals from down the road.”


Peterborough United had an average home attendance in League Two last season of just over 5,900 – Darragh MacAnthony had set a target of 5,500.

Darragh MacAnthony is 100 percent behind Gary Johnson and his decisions

November 16, 2010 Leave a comment

Peterborough United chairman Darragh MacAnthony has given his full backing to boss Gary Johnson.

Following the departure of three managers last season, the Peterborough United owner, Darragh MacAnthony, is refusing to make a snap decision after home defeats by Charlton and Brighton.

Darragh MacAnthony told BBC Radio Cambridgeshire: “I don’t need to give him a vote of confidence.

“I made a lot of mistakes last season and the last thing I’m going to do is start pressing the panic button.”

Darren Ferguson, Mark Cooper and Jim Gannon all fell by the wayside at London Road last term as Peterborough were relegated from the Championship.

Johnson took hold of the reins with four games remaining at the end of the 2009-10 campaign and was duly given funds by Darragh MacAnthony to build a side capable of winning the League One title.

Peterborough United sit eighth in the table after 16 games and are just three points adrift of an automatic promotion place.

But Saturday’s 5-1 reverse at home to Charlton and the 3-0 defeat by Brighton at London Road two weeks earlier left Johnson questioning his ability to take the side forward.

“I think Gary plays a bit of kidology, reverse psychology to try and psych his players up,” explained Darragh MacAnthony.

“He’s very happy with the squad he’s got. The players know they’ve let us down, we don’t need to be on top of them even more and make it worse than it is.

“Does it hurt when we lose 5-1 when I’m watching? Of course it does.

“However, I feel we need to remain a little bit calm. I know people are getting a little bit antsy about what’s going on, and after two defeats like that they’ve got every right to be antsy.

“But we’ve got to support the boys and the manager. He’s got a 50% win ratio, so before we start throwing him out and feeding him to the lions, let’s calm down and remember where we were at the end of last season.”

Peterborough United host Stockport on Tuesday in an FA Cup first round replay, with the winners going on to face Bury.

Darragh MacAnthony makes an official statement

November 16, 2010 Leave a comment

The chairman Darragh MacAnthony has issued the following statement:


‘It would appear (subject to the internet rumour-mill) that my yuletide Christmas present to our football club is to be a ‘For-Sale’ sign swinging serenely from the London Road entrance.


‘Now there are lots of things that I have already done this week such as increasing our banking facility by a million pounds, taking two Championship players on loan and making sure to everyone at our football club that my dreams and aspirations are still ‘nailed-on’ that would suggest to anyone with brain-cells that these insinuations couldn’t be further from the truth.


‘My beloved Posh IS NOT FOR SALE at any price. Even if Sheik Rattle & Roll came along with multi-millions I would not be interested. End Of.


Much more importantly, 3 points tomorrow and Merry Christmas.

Darragh MacAnthony Has Paid Over £1m For Non-League Investments

November 16, 2010 Leave a comment

Peterborough United chairman Darragh MacAnthony has revealed to that the football club has recouped over £1 million for the non-league investments made over the last six months and more could follow with add-ons included in the majority of the transfers.


The recent transfer of Shaun Batt to npower Championship newcomers Millwall was for a £300,000 fee and that amount could double if the Lions continue to be successful and Batt plays a major part in their success. Peterborough United paid a fee of just £5,000 to Fisher Athletic for Batt’s services in the summer of 2008.


Midfielder Paul Coutts was recruited from Scottish non-league side Cove Rangers for £25,000 and last season was sold to Preston North End for £350,000, which could double with the add-ons included in the deal.


Winger Alfie Potter was in the Oxford United side that clinched promotion to the Football League and the U’s paid £50,000 for his services. Potter joined Peterborough United on a free transfer. All three of the above deals include a 25% sell-on, so the football club have a vested interest in the futures of the trio.


Darragh MacAnthony has also revealed that the fee for the 93-day emergency loan of George Boyd to Nottingham Forest was £350,000 and confirmed loan fees of £25,000 were paid to Peterborough United for the services of Scott Rendell and Rene Howe by Torquay United and Gillingham respectively.


AFC Bournemouth paid £25,000 as part of Shwan Jalal’s move from London Road to Dean Court after they clinched promotion from League Two and £50,000 was paid by Norwich City as part of Russell Martin’s move to Carrow Road after the Canaries won promotion from League One. Luton Town paid £60,000 for the loan services of Liam Hatch.


Peterborough United Director of Football Barry Fry said: ‘It has been a very successful period. Over the last three years the chairman Darragh MacAnthony has turned down offers of over £6 million for George Boyd, Craig Mackail-Smith and Aaron Mclean, which shows Darragh MacAnthony’s passion and commitment for this football club and his desire not to sell his best players.


‘There is no doubt that the club’s policy, set up by Darragh MacAnthony, of investing in non-league, young, hungry players has paid off handsomely and we will continue to have this policy at the football club, which is backed by the manager Gary Johnson,’ Fry said.



Posh supporters stand and cheer for Darragh MacAnthony former MRI Overseas Property chairman

November 2, 2010 Comments off

The last Posh FA Cup meeting with Tranmere produced one of those moments when the hairs stood up on the back of your neck.  Peterborough United chairman Darragh MacAnthony paid for the club’s fans to make the long haul to Merseyside for the second round tie in December, 2006.

And when Darragh MacAnthony stepped out on to the pitch before the game he was greeted by a standing ovation and raucous applause from the 2,000 Peterborough United fans behind one goal.

If Darragh MacAnthony was in any doubt about the affection Peterborough United fans felt for him it was washed away in that moment. Suitably inspired, Peterborough United went on to win the match against a team from a higher division 2-1.

Darragh MacAnthony said: “The Tranmere game was one of my favourite days as Posh owner. Playing them again will bring back many memories.

“I just hope that the atmosphere for this game will be the same. I also hope we get the same result as we could do with a big third round tie for a change.”

Ex MRI Overseas Property Chairman Darragh MacAnthony as no problems asking the public to show their faces at the Peterborough United matches

November 2, 2010 Comments off

Peterborough United Football Club chairman Darragh MacAnthony has urged the Peterborough public to turn out in force and support the ‘best squad in the club’s history’.  Darragh MacAnthony will be at League One promotion battle with Scunthorpe at London Road and he hopes to be joined by a passionate and sizeable home crowd.

Darragh MacAnthony, who has bankrolled two of the most successful seasons in Peterborough United’s history, said: “Darren Ferguson and his team have done magnificently well to get Posh into a great position.

“Six of the last 10 games are at London Road so it is now more important than ever that all Peterborough people come and support the club.

“I have backed the manager 100 per cent and he has responded by giving us the best squad in the club’s history and what a great achievement back-to-back promotions and Championship football will be.”

Darragh MacAnthony added “We have a team full of young, hungry players who need the support and encouragement of everybody at every one of the 10 ‘cup finals’ we are facing.

“I once again ask all fans to really get behind the lads and do their bit to get us where we belong – the Championship.”

Concluding, Darragh MacAnthony says “Nothing makes the hair stand on the back of your neck more than hearing the roar of Posh fans encouraging the team on to another vital three points.”